Registration for IPMT-2025 going on.

Secretary's Message

Secretary’s Message:

At the International Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences & Research, we believe that communication is of paramount importance in our interaction with the rest of the world. We also believe that people with disabilities have the right to lead meaningful and independent lives. To this end, we continuously evaluate our programs and services to assure that they remain relevant and continue to address the needs of our clients. New programs are added in response to the changing needs of our community. In addition to being responsive to the needs of those we serve, we are committed to providing the highest quality of care and service. The Outreach Program, our comprehensive program for people with speech and hearing problems received appreciation from RCI and our preschool programs received appreciation from the Social Security of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD) Department.



In this present era, allied health professionals constitute a major portion of the healthcare systems in developed countries and contribute to the delivery of health-related services for evaluation, identification & prevention of disorders, and rehabilitation management. Developing countries like India, need assistance in Speech, Language, Hearing, and Psychological disorders to create an inclusive environment for differently-abled citizens. Team IIRS &R is passionate about the cause, and we are making an impact by manpower generation programs, patient care, and rehabilitation programs, and research. The courses offered are specifically designed to prepare graduates for a rewarding career in the nationally and globally growing healthcare industry.

I am sure that IIRS&R will go a long way in providing excellent professionals in the field of Rehabilitation who will devote themselves to the wellbeing of society. Accordingly, I call upon all concerned with IIRS&R, students, and their parents to dedicate themselves to contribute their bit in this regard for the benefit of society. Wish you a meaningful and excellent career. Team IIRS&R is ready to take the challenge to bridge the gap and onboard Divyangjan into the mainstream. Join me on this incredible journey, it is fulfilling and rewarding.